DH: So far I have only short story publications. I have a mainstream fiction in the e-zine Bewildering Stories (Issue #424), An Honest Lie Vol 3; Justifiable Hypocricy, and The Literary Lab presents; Variations on a Theme.
ET: Good deal! I'm glad you found Open Heart Publishing and are sharing your latest piece with us. How did you find OHP?
DH: I found OHP and AHL through a fellow blogger buddy, Eric Trant. When Eric announced he’d been published in AHL vol 1, I bought the anthology to read his story and support him as an author. I enjoyed every story in the anthology, and became intrigued with the publisher, and the company, and while I was not able to submit a story to AHL 2, I did write for the third anthology. And to my surprise, was accepted.
ET: There you go! Social networking works! I'm glad we found each other online, and I'm grateful for your support as well. We enjoyed your piece "Scent" in An Honest Lie Vol. 3: Justifiable Hypocricy. Can you tell us about your online presence?
DH: I have Linked In, Good Reads, and Google Plus accounts, but I use them mostly for reading articles, posting book reviews, and keeping up on some of the latest changes in marketing and stuff. I haven’t taken the time to learn how to effectively use these media. I don’t Tweet at all; I may have an old account that my youngest son set up a couple years ago when he was using my computer, but I wouldn’t even know how to publish a comment or follow a conversation. And my Facebook account is used mostly for keeping in touch with my family as we are spread out geographically.
My main form of social media is my writing blog, http://donnahole.blogspot.com/. I post to it at least twice a week, and consistently follow other authors and comment on their publications. The blog has been invaluable to me in my journey as a writer, and I often wonder if I would be published at all if I hadn’t discovered this community of supportive writers and industry professionals.
My main form of social media is my writing blog, http://donnahole.blogspot.com/. I post to it at least twice a week, and consistently follow other authors and comment on their publications. The blog has been invaluable to me in my journey as a writer, and I often wonder if I would be published at all if I hadn’t discovered this community of supportive writers and industry professionals.
ET: I agree completely, regarding the opportunities you find online via networking. I use mine extensively, and visit yours often. Can you tell us a little about your writing process? Do you write free, or with constraint?
DH: I don’t use a plot, and rarely show a work in progress to critique partners because I need to write without constraint. I get easily frustrated by too early feedback. But I’ve frequently written stories to specific criteria by a writing prompt, or the desires of a publisher. As long as how the story and characters progress is up to me, then I am actually more comfortable writing when I have a few guidelines to keep the concept on track.
For me, writing is a form of relaxation; a way to unwind from the day and go somewhere of my own choosing. I get to be in control – with my character’s permission, of course.
For me, writing is a form of relaxation; a way to unwind from the day and go somewhere of my own choosing. I get to be in control – with my character’s permission, of course.
ET: What about religion and politics?
DH: In my women’s fiction novels, religion is a large part of two of the character’s personality traits. Religion/higher power plays an important role in the culture of Recovery, so I couldn’t leave it out. In my fantasy and sci-fi writings, politics and religion are a part of the world building. I don’t try to persuade the readers to any certain opinion though. It means something to the characters only, even when contemporary issues are addressed in order to allow the reader a frame of reference to identify with.
I write with a premise in mind; a viewpoint I want the reader to consider as they read and finish the story. However, if my story inspires alternatives, then I’m all for free thinking. What I really hope is that the reader is entertained, or learns something about themselves or their world through the writing. So I guess it’s more important a reader understand their own viewpoint.
I write with a premise in mind; a viewpoint I want the reader to consider as they read and finish the story. However, if my story inspires alternatives, then I’m all for free thinking. What I really hope is that the reader is entertained, or learns something about themselves or their world through the writing. So I guess it’s more important a reader understand their own viewpoint.
ET: Entertainment is key, and if you can inspire the reader, so much the better. What about your family? How do they feel about your writing?
DH: My immediate family (two kids still left at home ages 23 and 14) has adjusted to my weird schedule. They’ve stopped asking me “how’s the writing going”, they know by my attitude will reflect it. Plus, they really don’t want to know unless/until it comes with a big advance. But my youngest has read every publication – after its published - and even shows off the printed anthologies to his friends. The rest of my family purchases my writings (they don’t want me to send them free editions), and my mom has brand new, un-read copies of the anthologies (and a printed copy of the Bewildering Stories e-zine publication) in a box in her fire proof safe. They also try to be understanding when I refuse to participate in family outings/events because I’m working on a project – as long as they know I have a specific submission date/publication to write to. My kids are understanding – my obsession lets them get away with missing events and eating junk on a regular basis. I’m happy enough for my adult family to purchase/read my accomplishments.
ET: You are blessed to have that much support! I don't think it's possible to succeed without the support of those around you. Where do you write?
DH: For a long time I didn’t have a specific area. I started on a desk computer in my bedroom, used solely the laptop where ever convenient when we had to move in with family, then back to the desktop in my bedroom when finances allowed us to move to our own place again. This last year, I’ve moved to a house with a spare room that everyone agreed should be my “office”. It’s still an unorganized mess, but I usually have either the TV or music running as background noise. I can’t stand complete quiet. I still do a lot of work on my Netbook in the living room, in my recliner with the TV on, but the kids (23 and 14) are so involved in their own worlds in their rooms I hardly notice even when they do come out. (As long as they don’t pop the dreaded question “what’s for dinner.”) It’s weird, but it is a comfort to me, and does aid my progress, when I know I am available to them, and to hear them moving around. I get my solitude without feeling isolated.
ET: Solitude without feeling isolated -- a perfect balance that we all should work to attain. I'll conclude on that note, and say THANK YOU DONNA for entertaining us with your stories and interview. We look forward to reading your story "Eros and Kris" in the anthology An Honest Lie 4: Petulant Parables.
On a personal note, I'll add that you are and continue to be a wonderful online friend, and I hope to keep working with you in the future.
- Eric
BIO: Donna Hole lives in California, and is an eclectic reader who enjoys horror, fantasy, sci-fi, and women’s fiction. She has a passion for short stories, both for reading pleasure and to write. Her short story "Two Minutes In Tomorrow" was published in Bewildering Stories issue #424; and "Scent" was published in An Honest Lie, Vol 3. Donna continues to write short stories and novels, and also enjoys social networking. For more information about Donna Hole, visit her blog at

1 comment:
This is awesome Eric. And I haven't seen any posts her for a while. I didn't know we could comment.
Thanks for the interview. It was loads of fun. I hope y'all at OHP will be enjoying a Thanksgiving break.
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